Our services are individualized and cover the needs of each athlete:

  • Stress management and anxiety
  • Mental skills training
  • Youth sport
  • Overtraining and burnout
  • Goal setting
  • Developing self-confidence
  • Prepare and adopt routines to maximize performance
  • Injury Management and prevention
  • Communication
  • Anger Management
  • Concentration and attention

“Η αθλητική ψυχολογία έχει αλλάξει κατά πολύ τον τρόπο σκέψης μου, αλλά και τον τρόπο συμπεριφοράς μου εντός και εκτός αγωνιστικού χώρου. Αυτό οφείλεται στην συνεργασία μου με την κ.Θάλεια Παναγή”.

Ηλίας Νικολάου
Διεθνής Αθλητής, Badminton

“Δια μέσω της πολύχρονης εμπειρίας που διαθέτει ως αθλητική ψυχολόγος αλλά και ως αθλήτρια, με βοηθά να ξεπερνώ τις πιθανές απογοητεύσεις που συναντώ στο χώρο του αθλητισμού έτσι ώστε να μπορώ να δώσω το καλύτερο μου εαυτό σε κάθε παιχνίδι”.


“Αποφάσισα να επισκεφθώ Αθλητικό Ψυχολόγο και το ClearMindPro για την βελτίωση της αθλητικής μου απόδοσης. Οι τεχνικές που έχω μάθει, με βοήθησαν να διαχειρίζομαι το προ-αγωνιστικό μου άγχος, το οποίο με βασάνιζε για αρκετό καιρό, με αποτέλεσμα να μεγιστοποιήσω την αθλητική μου απόδοση, και να πετυχω τόσο ατομικό αλλά και Παγκύπριο ρεκόρ”.

Διεθνής Αθλητής Κολύμβησης

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying,
sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do”
Pelé (Brazilian football player)

Online Sessions

Online sessions for those athletes who want to enjoy personalized and individualized services and are away from the specialist’s office, and/or who have limited time


They aim to athletes or groups of athletes who want to receive team support and advice on issues that concern them.

Mental Preparation Program

It includes the psychological preparation of the athlete during the period of preparation.


  • Personalized Tips from anywhere
  • Save time
  • Comfort
  • No hassle
  • Individual’s self-improvement


  • Team support and tips
  • Interaction inside the team
  • Exchange thoughts and feelings
  • Lower cost


  • Learning the main psychological techniques (positive self-talk, imagery, goal setting, relaxation techniques)
  • Proper goal setting
  • Maximizing sport performance
  • Manage emotions before and during the competition/game.
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Increase concentration

Individual Sessions

Individual services and tips according to the needs of each athlete


Lectures and Seminars for athletes around the field of Sports Psychology


Provide reliable and valid Questionnaires and tests, designed appropriately and specifically for athletes


  • Better quality of life
  • Personalized interventions
  • Individual self-improvement
  • Improving sport’s performance.


  • Information and training of athletes
  • Exchange of ideas and thoughts
  • Exchange of experiences and feelings


  • Immediate intervention
  • Better assessment of the needs of each athlete
  • Valid results

Online Sessions

Online sessions for those athletes who want to enjoy personalized and individualized services and are away from the specialist’s office, and/or who have limited time


  • Personalized Tips from anywhere
  • Save time
  • Comfort
  • No hassle
  • Individual’s self-improvement


    They aim to athletes or groups of athletes who want to receive team support and advice on issues that concern them.


    • Team support and tips
    • Interaction inside the team
    • Exchange thoughts and feelings
    • Lower cost

    Mental Preparation Program

    It includes the psychological preparation of the athlete during the period of preparation.


    • Learning the main psychological techniques (positive self-talk, imagery, goal setting, relaxation techniques)
    • Proper goal setting
    • Maximizing sport performance
    • Manage emotions before and during the competition/game.
    • Increase self-confidence
    • Increase concentration

    Individual Sessions

    Individual services and tips according to the needs of each athlete


    • Better quality of life
    • Personalized interventions
    • Individual self-improvement
    • Improving sport’s performance.



    Lectures and Seminars for athletes around the field of Sports Psychology


    • Information and training of athletes
    • Exchange of ideas and thoughts
    • Exchange of experiences and feeling


    Provide reliable and valid Questionnaires and tests, designed appropriately and specifically for athletes


    • Immediate intervention
    • Better assessment of the needs of each athlete
    • Valid results

    There is nothing impossible for him who will try

    Alexander the Great

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who is a Sports Psychologist?
    Sports Psychologist is a person who holds bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and a Master's in Sports Psychology. In Cyprus, the Sport Psychology profession is not protected by the law, so is important for the psychologist to have a license in a domain that is recognized by the law.
    What is sport psychology?
    Sports psychology is a proficiency that uses psychological knowledge and skills to address optimal performance and well-being of athletes, developmental and social aspects of sports participation, and systemic issues associated with sports settings and organizations.
    Whom do sports psychologists treat?
    Sports Psychology for people who are systematically involved in sports: athletes, parents, coaches, referees, coaches, and managers.

    Each one contributes and influences in his/her way the development and performance of the athlete. So, sports psychology is not just about athletes.

    Which areas/topics can be discussed with the Sport Psychologist?
    • Motivation development.
    • Manage stress and anxiety.
    • Thought control.
    • Communication between parent and coach.
    • Coach-athlete communication.
    • Communication between athletes.
    • Managing good and bad results
    • goal setting
    • Confidence.
    • Anger Management.
    • Early specialization.
    • Injury Management and prevention
    • Overtraining.
    • Parental role in the early specialization.
    • Attention and Concentration.
    • Teamwork - Develop and maintain cohesion in the team
    • Routine Usage
    • Clinical problems in sports.
    • Exercise and health.
    Why should I prefer a sports psychologist to any other psychologist?
    Specialization is important. A Sports Psychologist knows the field of sports and can be more effective than other specialties in psychology. So, it can give more effective solutions and better results.
    Does sports psychology only apply to those athletes who face a problem?

    Sports Psychology is not just about those who have a problem. A sports psychologist can accept in his office athletes/coaches/referees who aim to maximize athletic performance and want to learn some extra techniques and skills that will lead them to improve performance and achieve their goals.

    Contact us

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